I’ve been playing World of Warcraft on and off for over a decade. Since I kept stopping, I ended up not building a max-leveled character. I kept creating a new one whenever I go back to the game. So last year, I decided that I won’t stop my world of warcraft subscription and at least play the game once a week. My goal was to have one maximum level character and I’m glad I achieved it! haha
So I intend to create new character per year and have it reach maximum level. Keep 1 horde and 1 alliance character in each server. I started last year so I only have 2 characters as of this writing. I will keep updating this every year once I create a new one.
This is my Horde character. She’s HeaRtyPHBlog in Barthilas. A blood elf mage specializing in fire. She’s an enchanter and a tailor.

This is my Alliance character. She’s HeaRtyPH in Barthilas. A human hunter specializing in beast mastery. She’s a herbalist & an alchemist.

Since WoW demands lots of time, I do not play any other other game. My console is just right here in the living room, rarely touched and I don’t play any other desktop games. I still believe that World of Warcraft is still the best game out there.

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