Next up on my watch list is A Vigilante. A movie that stars one of my favorite actresses, Olivia Wilde. This is probably the first movie that I saw she headlined. Yeah she headed a couple of movies but this movie is focused on her with her acting chops really highlighted.

A Vigilante is about a woman who helps victims of domestic violence by dealing with the abusers. Being a victim herself, the vigilante never loses sight of her mission.
This is the first time I’ve seen Olivia Wilde like this. In her other movies, she always looked so pretty and sexy. But in Vigilante, she’s a super badass! I don’t know why she didn’t win any award for this movie coz she was super awesome in it. Oh well.
A Vigilante affected me a bit since it’s a bit close to heart. I knew this movie is fiction but it really felt good that justice is given to the victims. This probably rarely happens in real life as the stigma is there. It’s good to see (at least in a movie) that someone took matters in her own hands and helped victims of domestic abuse. Do I wish we have a Vigilante in real life? maybe. In the Philippines itself, with the messed up belief that people who are married should stay in it no matter what, makes it a nightmare for victims to escape their abusers. Oh, don’t get me started with the church. Urrghhh.
The movie was really good because of the message it portrays. However, A Vigilante lost on me during the 2nd half when it focused on the chase between the vigilante and her husband. I wish they didn’t drag it that much. The first half of the movie was awesome. Still a great movie though.
The main lesson that I took away from A Vigilante is abuse is something anyone should never tolerate. Leave. Go to support groups to deal with the trauma. Don’t ever think that you deserve abuse. That is NOT love.
My rating for A Vigilante: ⭐️⭐️⭐️ (3 out of 5 stars).

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