Would you believe that both Wile E Coyote and the Road Runner appeared way back 1949?
Coyote has been chasing the Road Runner forever! hahaha! Look at both of them as loom band charms. Sooooooo cute! <3
The Road Runner
Pattern by Looming with Cheryl
Wile E Coyote
Pattern by Looming with Cheryl
This is so cute! You’re really getting good at this. I tried doing this craft for a while and while it’s fun — it’s also not that easy. I’m glad to see you doing something that you enjoy. The previous rainbow loom project prior this is also super cute! Keep on making! 🙂
Thanks Peachy!!
When you’re free, teach me how to do clay! Please? hehehe!
Beeep-beep! *runs*
Hi Siobs @Euri,
Yay! Super nice to see you here 🙂
Hotness! howdy? Ang tyaga mo gumawa nyan! 🙂