I have a new discovery. Shoemart has made beautifully designed eco bags!
Environment friendly bags are popular nowadays but I must say that the ones made by SM Supermalls are one of the most fashionable ones. They really stand out from the crowd.
It’s not just the fashionable aspect of the bags that is cool. Using Eco bags really helps cut down in the use of plastic bags since it’s reusable too, and that will definitely help save the environment. It’s just nice that SM Supermalls went a step further with its new line of reusable bags.
SM Supermalls Eco Bags can be used for a very long time in contrast with the plastic bags that we usually use when buying our stuff at the grocery or at the mall. Plus, the most important aspect is that it’s environment friendly, the eco bags are made of biodegradable polypropylene material.
There are 4 designs/statements that SM Supermalls wanted to share with the youth:
- Spark – Let’s SPARK a revolution in sustainable energy use
- Renew – Let’s RENEW our earth by reducing our waste
- Breathe – Let’s BREATHE clean, pristine air once again
- Flow – Let’s make our waters FLOW with life
So which project do you support the most? Get one that suits your advocacy. Or if you support all, then get all 4 designs. Each bag only costs Php 35 and are available in SM Supermalls nationwide.
It’s large enough to fit plenty of your purchases. Plus, you look pretty cool in it while being able to show support for your advocacy by using it. So many reasons to purchase this bag. As I was admiring the bags, I noticed we can actually carry it in 3 different ways:
- by putting the 2 handles on your shoulders
- by using the longer handle and make it look like a shoulder bag
- by holding it with your hands much like a handbag
My mom and I love the Renew Eco bag the most. I love the color because it suits almost every clothing in my closet. I do think that reducing waste is an advocacy that I support the most. It’s also the reason why we have the eco bags right? We wanted to promote recycling & reduce waste for a cleaner and greener environment.
The best of both worlds definitely by mixing fashion and a good cause. Why not join SM Supermalls Eco Bag’s Facebook page? I did too! We’ll be able to get some tips on how to take care of our environment plus there are contests!
Ganda na ng eco bags nila! I have one of their old eco bags…that I keep forgetting to bring when I’m shopping.
I agree… my fiance even asked me to give him the blue one hahahaha! sa kanya na lang daw 😛
Cool, these eco bags look cute.
i love the BREATHE bag!
Nick wants that too!
Cool. I haven’t used a plastic grocery bag in a long time (maybe 2 years now). I use my own eco bags. Around my house, we’re environmentally super-conscious (no plastic water bottles, always recycle, hang clothes to dry when it’s possible, use fluorescent bulbs, etc.)
oh that’s pretty cool! 🙂 I hope everyone follows suit