Last January 9, 2010, I attended my 1st ever Tweetup! I was very happy that I did. I met a lot of twitter friends personally. It was just so nice to be able to see your tweetmates in person. I really think tweetups can be more personal and bigger friendships could be formed.
For those of you who aren’t too familiar with twitter, it is a social networking and microblogging site. It allows us to share our thoughts in 140 character messages or tweets, as we call them. Think of it as a single text message but online. In fact, in other countries, you can send sms to twitter to appear as tweets.
Twitter is a bit addicting, really. I can’t go on a day without posting tweets. It can either be replying tweets from other people, sharing relevant links from different websites or just sharing news.
A few weeks ago, I saw several people i follow on twitter tweeting about a tweetup on Ayala Park. That was last December 2009. Unfortunately, I was too lazy that day to drive all the way to Makati. (Hey! In my defense, I was on vacation!). So anyway, I ended up sleeping instead and tweeting online. I later regretted not going. I was so excited when @mcmanoloto and @ssowy were tweeting about the next tweetup! And yes, I made sure to join 😀
haha! I was a bit late, ok I was late by 30 minutes. I only saw @mcmanoloto there at the time. At first I thought that this tweetup was going to be a bit of a disaster as the people who confirmed weren’t coming. A few minutes later, people were starting to arrive! Awesome right? Here we are 1 hour after the meeting time:
It was amazing. People just kept arriving and I felt so sad that that I was so pressed for time. I had another appointment to attend so I had to say goodbye & wasn’t able to join my tweetup friends for lunch. 🙁
Anyhow, I had the taste of what tweetup was like! 🙂 I must say that I loved it! It reminds me of the eyeball days when MiRc was still popular. I’ll make sure to attend the next tweetup! Holler to my twitter friends! 🙂
More pictures from the tweetup here.
missed out on this one. i sincerely apologize, rochelle. 🙂
no problem 🙂
this sounds like fun 🙂 im not an active tweeter at twitter mwahaha. im more of a plurker!
In Plurk, they have something called “Plurk Fiesta”. I believe they went to Tagaytay last December 2009.
Nice! I didn't know there's a Twitter Meet here…as in here in the Philippines 🙂
yes there is every month… dont know details though for feb meet.