I attended Randell Tiongson’s No Nonsense Seminar on Finance: How to Invest for the Future last week. I must say there is really NO nonsense in this seminar.
I’ve been to several seminars on finance before but I ended up disappointed because I felt that it was more of a marketing scheme for them so people can invest on their company. The examples & theories were just so common. Some even used Robert Kiyosaki’s teachings that has been overused by lots of companies already.
With Randell’s seminar, all the things that we NEED to know about investing is there. Each & every slide that Randell showed to us is crucial for us to know so that we can be on our way to financial freedom.
You can really feel Randell’s passion in teaching financial management. He doesn’t want us to just stop right where we are but encourage us to go a step further and invest for the future!
The best thing about this seminar is Randell made it so simple for us to understand. Investing is not just for people who are good in math or accounting. Everyone can be successful investors!
No Nonsense Seminar on Finance: How to Invest for the Future is basically a vehicle for us to learn investments, investment planning, investment risks & investment instruments in a practical way.
Some of the key takeaways from the seminar are the ff.:
Manage your money
- Set a Budget.
- Stick to it.
- If you Exceed, Repair.
- Record & Know where it went.
- Eliminate Debt.
- Establish a Savings to Keep.
Setting your goals
- Aim the Target – Be Specific
- Formulate Budget
- Implement
- Build on your Mistake – Review Performance
- Minimize Loan
- Get Out of Debt
- Cash Out Your Assets (You Cannot Accumulate your Wealth if you are in Debt)
Photos from the Seminar can be found here.
I missed the 1st hour of the seminar so I really hope that there are more repeats for the no nonsense seminar. You can get updates from Randell’s site here & join their online discussion here.
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