I didn’t plan to spend so much for shopping yesterday but I ended up spending a lot! 😛
It was all worth it though coz the items that I bought were all on sale. All of those items are really nice and so I conclude that they are value for money.
To be completely honest, I used to dislike shopping. It’s really not my thing. I’d rather spend time in a supermarket, bookstore or hardware than walk around shopping for clothes. If there’s something that I like to shop around, then that is to look for new gadgets to drool on.
I don’t know what changed, maybe because I’m older now? hahaha! I guess I became a lil conscious on how I look now compared to before. But nevertheless, shopping isn’t that bad.
Last night, I bought items from 4 shops:
- So! Fab (Php 499)
See my post here. Definitely value for money. 2 Yellow pairs for only Php499.
- Banana Peel (Php 180)

I was really planning to buy slippers as I walk everyday. I usually park at A. Venue during workdays and it is really far from our office. I have to park there as I need to save some money. It costs us Php130 a day if we park at our office building and only Php40 a day if we park at A. Venue Open Parking Lot.
Since I always wear high heels, it’s really not sustainable. So I have to bring my shoes to the office together with my laptop, bag, lunchpack, etc. I will need to find comfortable slippers to walk almost 5 blocks every weekday.
Hopefully this is a good buy. Let’s see when I use it on Monday 🙂
- Tango (Php 499)
I like Tango’s clothes but I just felt it’s too expensive for me. Though whenever I see the shop on sale, I make sure that I check it out.
Last night, it was on sale! So Hai and I entered, I saw this checkered dress for only Php 499! It was originally priced at Php 995.

It’s a bit sexy though, I will need to find a tube or something to go with it.
- Cosmopolitan Clothing (Php 1,100)
The last time I splurged was when I first discovered Cosmopolitan Clothing at the Ramp.
Their designs just suits me, I felt like all the clothes there were meant to be made for me.
When we dropped by there last night, I just couldn’t resist but buy several clothes there.
Here are what I bought:
Black/Fuscha Dress (Php 499) – According to Hai, it looks weird. Nevertheless, I still feel it looks good, I especially liked how the upper part of the dress was made.

Checkered Blouse (Php 299) – SUPER value for money! It just look soooooo good when I tried it out. There was no hesitation when I decided to get it.

Green/Black Dress (Php 299) – I didn’t like this so much but Php 299 is just too cheap so I decided to get it.

The last time I bought clothes from Cosmopolitan, I think I spent about Php3.5k. The owner was there so when I bought some clothes yesterday, she gave me this necklace for free.

I felt like that I’m already on the road to being a shopaholic. I hope not coz I surrender! :P:P:P
waaaahhh! plenty money achi! hihihihigrabeh shopping spree talaga! 😛
the dress would be much more appreciated if you modeled in it :O) Take Care .
i lke you wearing the green/back dress. 🙂 bagay sayo! 🙂 you wore it when you were at Taiwan zoo
yeah that's right ehehehe wow you remembered 😛
i like the yellow with black checkered designs, its a bit sexy but it's nice on you cause u have whitish complexion
naks! thanks thanks! 🙂