I would like to thank TV5 for the opportunity to watch this movie at their special screening. I’m sorry that this post is soooooo long overdue. Got problems with my DSL connection at home so didn’t really have the means to go online (will post about this soon).
I’m more impressed with this movie than Da Vinci Code. Unfortunately though, I fell asleep on most parts as I was tired and I watched this movie alone. I even remember my seatmate asking me if I want to eat chips hahaha
Still, I was able to comprehend what the movie is about and I’m super impressed with Tom Hanks… he was superb in this movie – wayyyyyyy better than how he portrayed his role during the prequel. Ewan McGregor is super impressive here as well. Pretty good casting, love it.
The movie started with vial of antimatter being stolen and someone getting killed in the process. The Vatican sought the help of Robert Langdon (Tom Hanks) to solve this and also the kidnapping of the 4 bishops who are candidates to become the Pope’s successor. Apparently, a secret society called the Illuminati kidnapped the 4 bishops and threaten to kill them 1 by 1 every hour then destroy the vatican after.
So there, Tom’s character was trying to figure out where the bishops might be and save them. There’s a big twist at the end as well, guess who is behind of it all?
Overall, a movie that is worth watching. I know that most of the theaters dont show this anymore but once the DVD is out and you haven’t watched the movie, go get it
My Rating for Angels & Demons: 3.5 out of 5 stars.
I watched this on DVD. For me, overall the movie was just okay. :)Just popping in to say Hi. Nice blog you have here. Have you tried the The Tornado Ride? Visit my page to see it. Have a fun-filled day!