It’s really fortunate for us that there are some people in our company who are kind enough to provide us Japanese lessons. These kind of lessons usually cost around Php8,000. And they are just generous enough to give it to us for FREE!
And as a bonus, the sessions that I attended, the teacher (Ghe) is superb! She is very engaging, energetic & extremely good in my opinion. It really made us be so attentive in the Japanese class. For that alone, I’m so thankful that I joined.
Here are what we learned so far:
February 24, 2009
Ohayou Gozaimasu – Morning
Konnichi Wa – Afternoon
Konban Wa – Evening
Sumimasen – Excuse Me
Hajimemashite – Nice to Meet You
Rochelle to Moushimasu – My name is Rochelle
Yoroshiku Onegai Shimasu – Please be good to me
Onamae Wa Nan Desu Ka – What’s your name?
Eeto N/Anon Ne – uhmmm/aaahhh
Minasan – Everyone
February 26, 2009
Muzukashii – Difficult
Desu Ka – Question/End a Question
Desu – sentence/period/end a sentence
Kantan desu – Easy/Piece of Cake
Jin – “-ese” (e.g., Chinese = Chuugoku Jin)
Pronouns | Countries | Language | Nouns | |
Watashi (I/me) | Firipingo | Sensei (Teacher) | ||
Anata (You) | |
Nihongo | Gakusei (Student) | |
Kono Kata (This person) Sono Kata (that person) |
Furansu (France) | Furansugo | Kaishain (Employee) | |
Watashi-tachi (we) | |
Chuugokugo | Enjiniaa (Engineer) | |
Honyakusha (Translator) | ||
Tsuuyakusha (Interpreter) | ||
Taigo | |||
Eigo | |||
I |
Eigo | |||
Eigo | |||
Kankokugo | |||
Doitsugo | |||
Hindigo | |||
Roshiago | |||
Indoneshiago | |||
Mareeshiago |
Bunpou (Grammar):
_____________ wa ____________ desu
Minasan, hajimemashite, (your name) to moushimasu. Watashi wa (your country) kara kimashita. Yoroshiku onegai shimasu. (pronoun) wa (person’s name) desu. (pronoun) wa (person’s country) kara kimashita.
Everyone, Nice to meet you, My name is (your name), I’m from (your country). Please be nice to me. (pronoun) is (person’s name). (pronoun) is from (person’s country).
I’m definitely looking forward to the next sessions
Wow this it’s nice to know that you’re enjoying! Go for wellness!!!
Thanks for sharing what you’ve learned Roch! Grabe these lessons were super popular! When I saw the email puno na yung class!! :DDa best na sensei talaga si Ghe. He used to teach our team last year eh.
Konnichiwa!!! Rocheelle-San!! Domo Arigato Gozaimasu!!! —– Sayonara!!! hahaha
I agree!!! Agree! Agree! Agree!I had already worked with your teacher Ghe and she’s really something :)Bengga mareng Ghe! I am sooo proud of you!
Yeah! I'm soooo looking forward to the lessons… galing ng teacher eh! I myself don't have the talent of engaging all students in a language class.. galing eh… she really made it soooo fun & interesting 🙂