Aside from shopping, I also watched a movie today. The only thing that didn’t go as planned is the TV stand (I didn’t get to buy it). The movie we watched is Hancock.

Since Dark Knight got so much hype, I didn’t notice the movie Hancock. But since I wanted to treat my yaya to a movie, then I now have a chance to watch Hancock.
I was pleasantly surprised to know that Charlize is part of the movie. It’s just sad that she and Jason Bateman didn’t get enough credit on the movie.
Anyway, I love this movie. There are quite a few scenes where I shed some tears. One scene that I can remember that I cried is when Hancock finally got the people’s gratitude. I really don’t know I just realized that I can relate to Hancock, maybe I really do feel lonely for the past 5 years of my life. And I feel that I’m always misunderstood and unappreciated just like Hancock. hehehe well enough about me.
Back to my review of this movie hehehe.
I really love how they showed Ray character as the one understanding Hancock and changed his image to the people. I really just hope there are people like Ray’s character in real life. Coz I think there’s none like that anymore.
There are several values that were shown here:
- humility – I love Ray’s character. Such a selfless, good hearted person. I love how he taught hancock and helped change his bad public image.
- generosity – This is Hancock. he’s technically a superhero. And doesn’t want anything in return.
- love – Both Hancock & Mary sacrificed themselves for love. Mary walked away from Hancock to save his life 80 years ago. While Hancock walked away as well and went to new york city for Mary to be able to recover from the gun shot.
- gratitude – Ray & Hancock. Since Hancock saved Ray from the train, Ray showed his gratitude by helping Hancock change his image to a good one, he also saved Hancock from getting killed by Red. Hancock on the other hand, showed his gratitude by painting the moon with the all heart logo (sweet!)
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