Sharing my learnings from the book, The Greatest Secret by Rhonda Byrne
The Greatest Secret by Rhonda Byrne
The Greatest Secret is a quantum leap that will take the reader beyond the material world to where all possibilities exist. The teachings in these pages will dissolve fears and uncertainty, anxiety and pain. Filled with revelatory words of spiritual teachers from around the world past and present, The Greatest Secret is a profound master work that offers readers everywhere a direct path to end suffering and to live a life of deep joy.
- the chaos and endless distractions of the modern world have blinded us to the truth: that everlasting peace is possible for everyone, not just an enlightened few
- your true self is not a person
- your body is just a vehicle that carries the real you
- your mind isn’t the real you. If there are no thoughts, then there is no mind – but yoh ate still there because you are neither a thought nor a feeling
- you aren’t a collection of personality traits. Your personality changes over your lifetime, these different versions of you can’t be the real you; if they were, a bit of you would disappear each time your personality changed.
- the real you is awareness itself. The real you is the one who is aware of everything else you experience
- your awareness is the one thing that remains constant, even as your body changes, your personality shifts and you experience new sensations & emotions
- you need to live in the knowledge that you are awareness. Once you do, your mind, thoughts and all the torment they comes with them will fade into the background
- awareness practice contains three steps:
- ask yourself, “am I aware”
- noticing awareness
- practice staying in awareness
- negative thoughts and feelings dominate our lives
- your conscious mind accepts everything it sees. All of that gets stored into your subconscious, which acts like a container for all your experiences. The subconscious recycles that material and turns it into beliefs, which may be true or untrue. Those beliefs get converted into thoughts.
- all negativity comes from your thoughts. This process is a vicious cycle. Your negative thoughts will cause you to have even more negative feelings. Soon enough, you’ll be looking at your entire life through a veil of sadness that blinds you to reality
- welcome your negative feelings and stop identifying yourself with negative thoughts
- practice welcoming, a powerful way to rid yourself of negative feelings both past and present.
- observe your thoughts carefully. Acknowledge that they’re coming from your mind; they’re not really you. From this detached perspective, you’ll be able to make a choice – to either believe each thought or not.
- use awareness to rid yourself of false and limiting beliefs.
- the process starts with becoming deeply aware of all the beliefs they you hold
- spot your beliefs by becoming aware of your reactions. Reactions are just beliefs in a different form
- use your awareness to dissolve your beliefs, you will actually feel your body becoming lighter & less burdened.
- everything is an illusion created by our minds
- science tells us that the world is really quite different from how we perceive it
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